4. Art Festival of Recycling and DIY Culture Reciklart   

The 4. Art Festival of Recycling and DIY Culture Reciklart will take place from 7 August, Tuesday until 11 August, Saturday. Most of the programs are taking place in front of Alkatraz Gallery in Metelkova, Ljubljana.

There will be five days of creating, recycling, enjoying music, reflecting, contemplating and much more! All the events of the festival are free of charge. You are kindly inivted to apply for workshops at: festival.reciklart@gmail.com

In case of bad weather the programs will be moved inside of Alkatraz Gallery.

FriForma residency with Annette Krebs and Jean-Luc Guionnet in Bistrica ob Sotli   

We are thrilled to announce the 3-day residency of German improviser, composer and sound artist Annette Krebs and French improviser, composer, saxophonist and organist Jean-Luc Guionnet from 27 until 29 June in Bistrica ob Sotli, rural Slovenia.

The goal of the artists’ residency is to rehearse and record new materials for a future recording release, produced in collaboration by KUD Mreža’s FriForma concert series and Ljubljana-based record label Inexhaustible Editions / Edition FriForma.

The residency concludes with a public performance by the duo of Annette Krebs (electronics) and Jean-Luc Guionnet (church organ) on 29 June, Friday at 8 pm at the beautiful church of St. Paul’s in Bistrica ob Sotli.

29 June 2018, Friday 20.00 – St. Paul Church, Bistrica of Sotli

Opening of Mia Paller’s …Smell The Coffee at Gallery Pešak   

Transfering the artwork …Smell The Coffee to Night Display Gallery Pešak is a transformation of the media itself. Although the viewer can access the video, it is not broadcast live, but must be opened by itself using a smartphone or similar devices.

Animation …Smell The Coffee is the starting point for a new work at the five windows of Night Display Gallery Pešak. Although the individual elements that appear to us as drawings (or frames) are integral parts of the animation, but because of the author’s choice of only certain frames, gaps are created. Transfering the artwork …Smell The Coffee to Night Display Gallery Pešak is a transformation of the media itself. Although the viewer can access the video, it is not broadcast live, but must be opened by itself using a smartphone or similar devices. With this method, the author opens up various possibilities of entering to the exhibition and artwork.

You are kindly invited to the exhibiton opening of …Smell The Coffee by Mia Paller on 22 June, Friday at 9.30 pm at Night Display Gallery Pešak, Ljubljana.

On display: 22 June 2018 – 27 July 2018

Every Man Is A Lonely Island – Maruša Meglič at Alkatraz Gallery   

“Maruša Meglič is a talented artist who focuses mostly on the quality of exhibition experience rather than the quantity of art production. Although she is a relatively new name in the art world, her works are elaborated and thought through. The Site-specific exhibition at the Alkatraz Gallery reveals that she has a good sense of space when it comes to building spatial compositions, for which purification and simplicity are representative. The artist consistently uses this unusual approach, which we are not used to at the majority of other exhibitions. Frequently individual works themselves form a display, whereas here the medium of expression is the exhibition as a whole.

The project of Maruša Meglič, Every Man Is A Lonely Island, is a site-specific-art work, which adjusts to the Alkatraz Gallery and builds on its features. Thematically, the installation is a staged existential drama referring to a spectator and pressing them towards thinking about the meaning of life. The sun which is not the sun, the frames of a house that is not and a black floor, which denies everything, are multifaceted scenic metaphors of life and being.” – galerijalkatraz.org

Maruša Meglič was born in 1989 in Ljubljana. She graduated from Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana in the field of painting (2012). She continued her education at a study exchange in Prague, at the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design. She is currently finishing Master’s Degree in painting at ALUO in Ljubljana. She lives and works in Ljubljana. Maruša Meglič presented her works at the following solo exhibitions: Skin Deep (HOoST, Ljubljana, 2017), Warm Heart Faint of Heart (Chalton Gallery, London, 2016), the artist only needs a little (KIOSK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, 2015), Some Rosary (Bežigrajska galerija, Ljubljana, 2013). She also participated in several group exhibitions in Slovenia (Škuc Gallery, 2016; Jakopič Gallery, 2016; MSUM +, 2015; MGLC, 2013; Gallery Alkatraz, 2012) and abroad (ESSL Museum, Vienna, 2015; Gallery Cortil, Rijeka, 2015 ; Constantin Brancusi Gallery, Bucharest, 2014; Gallery Medium, Bratislava, 2013). She is the recipient of the Essl Art Award CEE 2015.

You are kindly invited to the exhibiton opening of Every Man Is A Lonely Island by Maruša Meglič on 10 May, Thursday at 8 pm at Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana.

The project is supported by: Filc, d.o.o. & Kemoplast, d.o.o.

On display: 10 May 2018 – 30 May 2018

First event of our new audio-visual performance series: FriFormA\V   

V petek, 20. 4. 2018, ob 20.30 lepo vabljeni v 8. nadstropje kulturnega prizorošča Osmo/za, na premierni dogodek nove poimenovane FriFormA\V.

FriFormA\V prinaša v obstoječi cikel novo formo, pri kateri gre za vnašanje umetniškega videa v sodobna zvočna okolja bodisi v polje zvočne umetnosti in zvočnih instalacij ali v polje komponirane, elektroakustične in improvizirane glasbe z namenom umetniške nadgradnje koncertnega cikla.

Hunjoo Jung, zvočni oblikovalec, improvizator in skladatelj, ki je bil rojen v Seulu (Južna Koreja), prihaja na enomesečno rezidenco v Atelje Azil, Metelkova mesto (kudmreza.org/atelje-azil), v sklopu katere bo izvedel koncert z lokalno videastko, Lino Rico. Hunjoo se preizkuša v akustičnih, elektronskih in elektroakustičnih glasbenih okoljih, v zadnjih letih pa se osredotoča tudi na intermedijske in vizualne instalacije. Zanima ga raziskovanje večplastnih načinov, v katerih se kombinirano pojavljajo video v živo in video mapiranje, osvetlitve, laserji in senzorji, ki jih uporablja v široki paleti kombinacij s glasbo. Poleg bogatega nabora raznih nagrad in rezidenčnih gostovanj je letos prejel prvo nagrado, ki jo podeljuje žirija Georgesa Aperghisa (Mikonos, Grčija).

Lina Rica prihaja iz Makarske, Hrvaška, živi in dela pa v Ljubljani. Lina je vizualna umetnica, ki deluje na področju instalacij z uporabo videa, grafike, fotografije in animacije. V svojem delu obravnava družbene procese preteklih in sedanjih svetov ter njihove vplive na posameznika. Leta 2008 zaključila je študij grafike na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Zagrebu. Njena dela so bila predstavljena in objavljena na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni. Za svoje grafike je prejela več nagrad, njene grafike pa so del zbirke MGLC, Oficina Arara, Critical Mass in Femicomix Portfolio. Med leti 2012 in 2016 je skupaj z Boštjanom Čadežem vodila društvo za produkcijo in promocijo sodobne umetnosti in galerijski prostor GaleRica v Makarski. Skupaj sta se predstavila tudi na zadnjem U3 trienalu v Moderni Galeriji v Ljubljani z animacijo Tekstom(l)at. Z video performansi je nastopala na več festivalih in dogodkih v klubih ter avtonomnih kulturnih centrih na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije.

Nastopila bosta Južno korejski improvizator in kompozitor Hunjoo Jung in lokalna videastka Lina Rica. Obeta se nam atraktiven avdio vizualni performans hrupnejše sorte. (Osmo/za se nahaja v stolpnici Avtotehne, Slovenska c. 54)