Presentation of Italian organization Comitato per i Diritti Civili delle Prostitute ONLUS (Committee for the civil rights of prostitutes ONLUS) from Pordenone.

Wednesday, March 7th at 17.00, Menza pri koritu

CDCP ONLUS is a non-profit association that was founded in 1981 by sex workers. Its main objective is to provide assistance to prostitutes. The Committee organizes sensibilization campaigns aimed at raising public awareness about the dignity and right of sex workers.

Discussion About Prostitution

Wednesday, March 7th at 18.00, Menza pri koritu

Moderator: Mitja Blažič
Participants: dr. Majda Hrženjak (Peace Institute), Katjuša Kodele Kos (Association Ključ), Marlenna and dr. Zoran Kanduč (Institute for Criminology).

Leaving moral judgments aside, we will reflect on different views of prostitution. We will focus on the role of prostitution in Slovenian and global society from the point of view of Slovenian legislation and sex workers’ point of view. We will discuss prostitution in relation to trafficking of women, to gender differences in the trade and the changes brought by the decriminalization of prostitution in Slovenia.

(The debate will be in Slovenian language only.)