Nino Jaeger (Austria): Pipistrello: Dolce Vita

Opening: Wednesday, March 7th at 21.00, Klub Monokel

Pornographic photo story inspired by Mozart's Figaro's Wedding (Chérubin's Aria) stages the sexual encounter between the bat/vampire sex doll Pipistrello and the flesh-and-blood worker. Their sexual act transgresses gender and sex roles thus showing that the idea of the one and only true love, desire, sexuality and gender as depicted in Figaro's Wedding is merely an illusion.

Similarly to bats who can hear frequencies people can’t, Pipistrello (ital. bat), uses its metaphoric wings to perceive sex in ways which are unpronounceable for others. This ambiguous sex doll can metamorphose into any gender identity and any sexual role. By encountering him/her sexually, Pipistrello’s partners have to go through the same transformation – and the working class man is no exception.

Nino Jaeger is a queer artist who was born in Celovec in 1972. He lives in Vienna. For many years he defined himself as a feminist lesbian and also worked in the lesbian feminist communities of Salzburg and Vienna. After rediscovering his transsexual past, he decided to start with the transition process from a female body to a more male body.

He is still involved in political work but does so through his photographic work and his writing. His main focus is related to questions of sexuality, gender and the expression of the inexpressible or incomprehensive moments during sex which allows transformation –
at least for a brief moment.

He has published photography in Australian dyke sex magazine Slit and in Kyrgyzstanian LGBT magazine Labrys. His works are going to be published in the forthcoming drag king book Mit Bartkleber gegen das Patriachat edited by Kingz of Berlin. His texts were published in Austrian anthology BDSM Phantasien in österreichischen Frauen Köpfen and German anthology Mehr als eine Liebe edited by Berlin sexpert Laura Méritt.

nino jaeger