Mima Simić (Croatia)
Friday, March 9th at 20.00, Klub Monokel
Prose reading
In 2005, writer Mima Simić released her first short stories collection Pustolovine Glorije Scott in collaboration with Croatian comic artist Ivana Armanini. The stories about the absurd adventures of a famous London detective and her assistant Mary Lambert are an excellent parody of Victorian morals and the genre of detective novel.

Drvena Marija (Croatia)
Drvena Marija (Wooden Mary) is a socio-religious band using pop-rock and acoustic death metal as its primary expression. The number of band members is undefined but never amount to less than one. Provocative and straightforward lyrics are written by two of the most prominent Croatian literature figures: Roman Simić and Mima Simić.

Only a collage can bring them together: Drvena Marija