Katja Kähkönen (Finland/Slovenia): Dark Paradise

Wednesday, March 7th at 20.00, SOT-24,5

Two solo paper theatre performances

In Dark Paradise Katja Kähkönen interprets two short stories by Rosa Liksom, one of Finland’s most acclaimed and controversial writers, through paper theatre, a marginal form of puppet theatre. The writings of Liksom are compact, grotesque and straight forward; with dry humour she explores various types of sexual tendencies, violence and love.

The performance consists of two monologues. The first part of the show is a young man’s monologue where he describes his love for his mother. The visual elements are sensitive, but sexual and sometimes fierce collages. The second part, in the form of cartoon-like drawings, explores the subconsciousness of the storyteller herself. It is a tale about acceptance and relations with time, changes, life, freedom, responsibility and harmony in the concept of the woman and the circulation of seasons.

Dark Paradise is daringly bold and gives Rosa Liksom's short stories a new visual dimension. The performance is spiced up with a great deal of black humour!

dark paradise

Teatteri Tunteenpalo is Katja Kähkönens' performing platform. Katja graduated as a puppeteer from the Arts Academy of Turku in the year 2003, specialising in paper theatre and dance. Kähkönen approaches paper theatre as an artist and a teacher and has been working both in Finland and abroad. She has recently settled down in Škofja Loka.

During the festival Katja will also lead a paper theatre workshop, a multidimensional peep show adventure through the world of auto-sexuality and voyeurism. Don't miss it!

For those curious of Rosa Liksom: www.rosaliksom.com