Brejn in Bubizz (Slovenia)

Friday, March 9th at 20.00, MKC Koper
Saturday, March 10th at
22.00, Menza pri koritu


Members of Brejn in Bubizz (Brejn and Bubizz), Ksenija Jus and Katarina Višnar, have been actively involved in women’s independent music scene both from a theoretical and practical side. They play electro-rock with political lyrics based on a simple mix of electric guitar, bass and sampled rhythms. Their shows are a parody of supersize-me mainstream music acts.

The Band:
Ksenija Jus – Xenia (electric guitar, vocals)
Katarina Višnar (electric bass, vocals, effects)

Ksenija Jus – Xenia’s first solo music performances began in 1993. Xenia self-published her music debut Xenia & Link der Wasser in 1996 in collaboration with the band Link der Wasser. In 1997, she collaborated with No Phobia Orchestra in a musical-theatre project called Človeštvo v A-molu which was later released as a music album. In 2002, she published her first solo album entitled Xenia Total, which was soon followed by L'humanite nouvelle. Her third album’s title is Karta do sonca. Currently, she is recording a new album, Black Safari, composing music arrangements for group Uluru and promoting her poetry debut Svobodna Radikalka which is going to include poems from all her previously released songs – including Black Safari.

Katarina Višnar is a music critic (Radio Študent, Muska) and DJane (DeeJane Sladka).
She is also a multi-instrumentalist who has been following Brian Eno's ideas (music for amateurs, Oblique Strategies) and work since her teenage years. She is most interested in the critical and revolutionary potentials of music made for dancing.

Ksenija Jus and Katarina Višnar have collaborated in Uluru, an experimental etno band which tried to examine the roles of women in contemporary society through the lens of traditional folk songs.